ACEDS is a global professional association for individuals and organizations in the private and public sector who work in the fields of e-discovery, information governance, compliance, and the broader legal community. ACEDS aims to help professionals in various disciplines improve and certify their e-discovery knowledge and skill, increase their contacts, and increase overall competence in e-discovery and related fields.
ACEDS provides training, certification and professional development courses in e-discovery and related disciplines to law firms, corporate legal departments, service providers, the government, and institutions of higher learning. ACEDS is a division of The BARBRI Group, a global legal education company that provides legal and professional development training and education to students, lawyers and other legal professionals. ACEDS is building a cross-functional community of e-discovery specialists for the exchange of ideas, guidance, training and best practices. Qualified candidates who pass a rigorous, scenario based, psychometrically sound examination will earn the Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS™) certification. It provides paralegals, attorneys, project managers, legal professionals with the leading course of eDiscovery courses and training. Its mission is to help them in various disciplines, improve and certify their eDiscovery knowledge. The global ACEDS community is filled with opportunities for members to connect and bring together experts throughout the eDiscovery field.
Now is the time to advance your career by joining the global ACEDS community. With ACEDS membership, you will gain access to the leading resource for e-discovery education and certification. Plus, we are adding unlimited access to free continuing legal education credit to help paralegals and attorneys meet CLE requirements. ACEDS and CLE Companion, a nationally accredited and virtual continuing legal education provider, have partnered to bring added benefits exclusively to you. Get the essential skills you need to stay on top of ABA and State Bar Association requirements to meet not only CLE, but new and emerging requirements with respect to technology competence.